(Apologies for the late post – a scheduled post did not happen. These changes took place 3/8/24)

The Various ITPMR’s, the Walkthrough Form & SOP, etc. were all re-reviewed line-by-line to ensure closer compliance with IIAR 6. Many, many changes were made based on this review. A detailed changelog follows:

Walkthrough Form:

  • Redesigned to P/F rather than Yes/No.
  • Comp: Removed “Operating” as a check – we really only care if it is “ready” to operate.
  • HX: Added HX section
  • Evap: Grouped Evaporator unit & valve checks together
  • Evap: Added “Proper Temp.” check
  • Improved RCP Charting section
  • Machine Room: Added “Doors unobstructed” and “Cleanliness” checks
  • Added Diffusion Tank section


Walkthrough SOP

  • Aligned to new form
  • Evap: Added an MAU subsection
  • Updated Wording for Equipment Checks that more closely aligns with IIAR 6



  • If it had the check (usually the first non-routine task on the ITPMR) the inspection for cleanliness was reworded to include a check for undamaged unit condition.



  • Updated A5 to remove unnecessary wording.



  • Q6 reworded to include checking the drain function and for obstructions. (This will also avoid a possible N/A scenario for units without Heat Trace)
  • Added Q7 on damper
  • Added SemiAnnual section to cover MAU safety devices



  • Renumbered S10 to S11 to make room for new S10
  • Added new S10 on power failure trouble signal
  • Updated S8 to include related panels, and address openings to enclosures.
  • Updated S9 to include exposed, damaged, or loose wiring.



  • Renumbered A13 to A14 to make room for new A13
  • Added A13 to include various electrical checks from IIAR 6 Inspection & Maintenance annual tasks section



  • Updated M5 language to include checking water pump lubrication.
  • Replaced missing M8 language.
  • Renumbered A6 to A7 to make room for new A6.
  • Added A6 to include a supports check.



  • Combined Q8 & Q9 into Q8 and added additional checks on secondary coolants to align with IIAR6
  • Renumbered Q10 to Q9



  • Renumbered all checks from 1,2,3, etc. to A1, A2, A3, etc.



  • Removed 365 from the filename



  • Removed 365 from the filename
  • Renamed title / filename from “system” to “valve”
  • Renumbered all checks from 1,2,3, etc. to A1, A2, A3, etc.



  • Renumbered A6 to A8 to make room for new A6&A7
  • Added new A6 to “Confirm purger effectiveness with refrigeration system pressure / temperature relationship” per IIAR 6
  • Added new A7 to cover mounting / hangers



  • Updated Q4 to include “Calibrate as needed.”
  • Updated A6 to include “and functionally tested”
  • Renamed A8 & A9 to A9 & A10 to make room for new A8.
  • Added new A8 self-closing/quick-closing valve check.



  • Added “external oil pump” and “coupling bolts” to Q4
  • Added “oil pump” to Q5
  • Added additional text to A8
  • Renumbered A16 to A17 to make room for new A16
  • Added A16 to include various electrical checks from IIAR 6 Inspection & Maintenance annual tasks section



  • Renumbered all checks from 1,2,3, etc. to A1, A2, A3, etc.
  • Renumbered A5 to A9 to make room for new A5, A6, A7 & A8
  • Added A5 on functional testing
  • Added A6 on wiring damage
  • Added A7 on automatic shutdown sensors
  • Added A8 on batteries



  • Renamed A14 to A15 to make room for new A14
  • New A14 on simultaneous full flow



  • Renamed Q4 to A6 to make room for new Q4 & Q5
  • Added new Q4 on switch inspection
  • Added new Q5 for signage inspection
  • Updated A9 to include “Verify Function”



  • Updated General:Fans “Ensure fan hubs, blades, housings are in place and have no signs of cracking or excessive degradation.”
  • Updated General:Integrity with additional insulation inspection guidance.
  • Updated General:Integrity with additional corrosion inspection guidance.
  • Updated General:Motors “Ensure motor mounting bolts are in place and secure.”
  • Updated General:Pipe/Unit Supports section to include additional information on housekeeping pad / foundation / structural supports, mounting bolts / fasteners, and mounting bolt / fastener holes, and pipe saddles saddles .
  • Updated PV section Q2 to add note on vessel makeup operations.
  • Updated PV section Q4 notes to reference A6 & A7.
  • Updated PV section Q5 to include faulty valves.
  • Updated various ITPMR sections to reflect the ITPMR changes shown above